More than 400 people have already taken part in a six-week consultation seeking their views on the city’s transport system over the next decade.
Residents and business are being encouraged to have their say on the Bath Transport Delivery Action Plan.
The aim of the plan is to identify deliverable transport solutions which can be developed over time to create better connected, healthier and more sustainable communities to live and work in.
The plan focuses on three key areas:
- delivering sustainable transport
- improving connections
- improving transport provision for people travelling into city in the short, medium and long-term.
Councillor Joanna Wright and Councillor Neil Butters, joint cabinet members for Transport Services, said:
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the consultation so far. Whether you live in the city or travel into Bath for work or leisure, the consultation is your opportunity to have your say and help shape transport in the city over the next decade.
The plan is important if we are to tackle the climate and ecological emergency and reach our goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030. It will inform the way road space is reallocated and the way we get around with greater emphasis on more sustainable and active travel modes.
The council is currently working on a raft of transport related strategies and policies from active travel schemes to improving city centre security.
To make it simpler and easier for people to take part in these transport-related consultations, all the information is now contained on one dedicated webpage
All responses on the Transport Delivery Action Plan must be received by Monday 1 March.