Ten new electrically assisted cargo bikes have arrived on the streets of Bath to help businesses make sustainable, pollution-free deliveries.
The e-cargo bikes have been provided following a successful £40,000 bid by Bath & North East Somerset Council to the Energy Savings Trust earlier this year.
The Grapes Freehouse, Bath BID, 6 City View and the council’s parks team have all incorporated their e-cargo bikes into daily operations, while Three Bags Full and WeGo have expanded their existing fleets.
The council also has four e-cargo bikes to loan out free to businesses, organisations and charities looking to test them before investing in their own.
Councillor Joanna Wright, joint cabinet member for Transport Services, said:

These bikes will replace delivery vans circulating the city centre and enable local organisations to make quick, economical deliveries around Bath.
The bikes don’t produce noise or air pollution, making the city centre a more pleasant environment and contributes to our sustainable transport vision for our area.
Bath BID CEO Allison Herbert is delighted with the orange trike which has been procured to help the BID rangers to get out and about in the city. She said: “The rangers’ pick-up trike has space for cleaning equipment and water, and is perfect for responsive cleansing work which the BID does on behalf of businesses in the city centre.”
The e-Cargo Bike Grant Fund scheme is funded by the Department for Transport and delivered by Energy Saving Trust. More information can be found at www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/transport/ecargo-bike-grant-fund
The loan bikes are available to businesses, registered organisations and charities within Bath & North East Somerset. Interested parties can register to borrow a bike at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BaNESeCargo