Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Council’s have another opportunity to resubmit a proposal for Energy Saving Trust Local Authority e-Cargo Bike Grant Fund 2021/22, following their original application in March 2020.
As 2020/21 has seen a lot of change in the way businesses operate due to COVID, we are asking previously involved business to resubmit their applications, and are approaching new businesses to apply. All applications will be scored competitively as the resubmission is restricted to the same value of our original submission in March 2020.
The grant will cover up to 100% of the cost of the eCargo bike for businesses in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (excluding accessories/training costs, which the business will need to cover).
The Energy Saving Trust requires a relatively tight turnaround of applications for this time-limited offer, so please get in touch.

South Glos
Unfortunately the South Gloucestershire offer is already at capacity.
Your completed application should be provided to your Local Authority no later than Friday 18th June. Applications received after this date may be excluded.